About company

In recent years, all countries have been implementing programs for the efficient use of water and land resources; interest in the development of organic agriculture has increased, contributing to the creation of high-margin agricultural production and improving the quality of economic growth in the agro-industrial complex. The promotion of this area is in line with the global trend for the production of healthy and safe products.

To ensure the compliance of the quality and safety indicators of agricultural products with international standards, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a Resolution dated 11/18/2020. No. 729 "On the approval of some regulatory legal acts on the safety of organic products, raw materials and organic fertilizers." The growing requirements for the quality and safety of products require decisions to be made to strengthen the position of products grown in the Republic on international markets. By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 18, 2020 No. UP-5995, additional measures were introduced to ensure the compliance of quality and safety indicators of agricultural products with international standards.

In 2022, an agreement was signed between Life Force Group and LFB Registan on cooperation and the supply of organic fertilizers based on humic acids to Uzbekistan, which made it possible to consolidate this direction in the country at the state level.

The company has been providing consumers with organo-mineral and microelement fertilizers for 20 years, helping to effectively manage crops in many countries of the world. The success of "Life Force Group" in unique raw materials (natural leonardite) and the original technology of polycomplex combination of trace elements and minerals in liquid form with humic, carboxylic and amino acids, which provides a high penetrating power of nutrients. Our priority tasks are: increasing the productivity of crops, increasing soil fertility, caring for nature and human health, and developing organic agriculture.

Today more and more people care about the health and future of their children, paying special attention to the quality of the food they consume. In this regard, the majority of progressive farmers have abandoned the use of synthetic fertilizers, plant protection products, growth regulators and are using agricultural technologies using high-quality organic fertilizers. Currently, organic farming is carried out in about 120 countries around the world. The growing interest from consumers and markets around the world in sustainable food systems opens up new trade prospects for entrepreneurs in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The development of international cooperation in the direction of organic farming will expand the export of organic products, create conditions for the formation of sustainable agricultural systems, increase the profitability of production, and reduce dependence on expensive resources and intensive technologies.

The experience, knowledge and professionalism of the specialists of our companies guarantee high standards of quality of products and services, we are ready to provide consulting support on the use of organic fertilizers and draw up individual nutrition programs for all types of crops.

We will be glad if you are with us on the way to organic harvest!