Processing program


Recommendations for the use of Life Force fertilizers for effective cultivation of pepper

Soil application

Humate Balance

Leaves processing

Humate & Micro

Acti Grow

Good Set

Products from this program
Plant nutrition management in an acute arid climate has a number of features. The water regime of the soil, which depends on the amount of precipitation, largely determines the effect of fertilizers and is the most important factor in yield.

If there is a lack of moisture, dry fertilizers may not give a positive result, so the company Life Force produces products in liquid form, which allows you to use moisture more economically and is especially important for regions with arid conditions.

To increase the efficiency of nutrient systems, it is necessary to use techniques to preserve moisture in the soil. Maximum attention should be paid to the uniform distribution of crop residues from the predecessor, which contributes to the accumulation of precipitation.
We recommend using Humate Balance, a product made from natural leonardite, that saturates the soil with humic substances, increases its fertility, and reduces moisture evaporation. Without the organic component, there is a decrease in fertility, but also, high doses of nitrogen lead to a decrease in productivity due to rapid drying of the soil and the growth of a large vegetative mass.

In arid conditions, it is better to apply the entire dose of nitrogen in the fall, since there is little precipitation, so it does not wash out.

Products Humate & Micro, Acti Grow, Good Set contain a balanced composition of macro-and microelements in combination with an organic matrix, help plants maintain reproductive functions and minimize stress from lack of moisture.
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