Processing program


Recommendations for the use of Life Force fertilizers for the effective cultivation of raspberries and other berry crops

Soil application

Humate Balance

Leaves processing

Humate & Micro

Acti Grow

Good Set

Products from this program
Recommendations for the use of microfertilizers in times of drought

In conditions of a lack of moisture, the supply of nutrients to the plant is limited. Especially acute is the issue of providing such elements as potassium, calcium, manganese and boron.

The deficiency of these elements can be compensated by applying special microelement fertilizers with natural humic acids in combination with an organic matrix – HUMATE & MICRO, GOOD SET.

During the period of drought, foliar top dressing should be used carefully, because improper use of drugs can worsen the position of plants, completely stopping metabolic processes.

To avoid this, it is necessary to give preference to a complex product ACTI GROW (boron, manganese)that has a positive effect on all plant life processes.
Several conditions should be considered, when planning foliar fertilization:

1) at the time of drought, it is necessary to carry out treatments in the evening or at night, so that the fallen dew contributes to the assimilation of nutrients through the leaf and reduces salt stress;

2) increased consumption rates of working solutions should be applied, and low-volume sprays should be abandoned;

3) drugs are used in medium or minimal dosages.

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